Sunday 31 March 2013

Point of Origin

My first post in a blog about minimalism, amongst thousands of other minimalism blog claiming to change your life.  But how is minimalism going to change my life? How would it change yours? Why should I even consider buying into a lifestyle associated with monks, hippies and hipsters?

To see if minimalism will even make an impact, I must first define it.  When I first heard this buzzword, I thought the definition meant I should give away all my possessions and all of a sudden all of my problems would radically go away.  This is ridiculous, and I thought "How could any one benefit from this?".  So my definition began to change.  I started researching what minimalism meant to others and the lifestyles they live when I had my epiphany; maybe minimalism is just a fancy word for simplifying your life?

I have a schedule that never seems to have enough time to do the thinks I LIKE, see the people I LOVE, or live the life I WANT because I am weighed down by obligations that are unimportant.  I am crowded by possessions that drain me of time, energy, and my hard earned income.  I am bombarded by social media and information from people that are interested in no one but themselves.  I am unhappy and afraid.  Unhappy with the lifestyle I am living, and afraid that one day I will realize I was too busy living a lifestyle that is not my own, but rather a lifestyle that is what society suggests I should live.  "Buy this stuff", "Go do these things" and then "post about those things on Facebook".

My journey to minimalism, to a simple life starts here. Where it will take me? who knows.  Will I ever make it to my destination? time will tell. But I do know, I feel a weight lifted off my chest already.  Maybe this ever evolving map will help you too.