Saturday 6 April 2013

It's Not Personal

I am having a wonderful morning.  The sun is shining, the weather is mild, I am driving to work and my favourite song comes on the radio.  Everything is going right when all of a sudden another motorist cuts me off, forgets to signal, or I hit heavy traffic.  I get upset, and all the good is overshadowed by the last event as if it is a personal attack at me. At me! Of all people...ME!

Today, we continually post on social media about ourselves, go on adventures just so we can boast about it at work, and try to "one up" our neighbours. We are continually thinking about ourselves and how everything around us either benefits us or detracts from our day.

But to simplify our lives, we must also simplify our thoughts.  What if we viewed that heavy traffic or inconsiderate motorists as just an event and not a personal attack? Like a leaf falling from the tree, or the clouds blowing through the sky.  All of these events, just like a large line at the grocery store, have nothing to do with us.  They just are. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can let these emotions go, conserve the energy from getting upset and use it to enjoy the things we like, make important decisions, and pay attention to the ones we love.  So just remember, it's not personal...

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